Shipping Policy

US Only Shipping

Shipping Methods

Shipment Method Order Processing Delivery Time Shipment Charge
Standard Ground Up to 48 hours. 5-7 business days $4.99 for guest orders

FREE for guest orders of $150+

FREE for logged in Insider orders
Expedited Up to 48 hours. 2 business days $14.99 for guest orders

FREE for logged in Insider orders of $149+
Next Day Up to 48 hours. 1 business day* $24.99
MyJoys Standard Up to 48 hours.  Orders placed after 4 PM EDT will begin processing the next business day. 3-4 weeks FREE

Should you have any questions about your order, or our shipping & billing process, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-224-8501. Unfortunately, we cannot place orders that ship to addresses outside of the US.

Standard Ground

Order processing takes up to 48 hours.  Standard ground shipping is delivered 5-9 business days after order acceptance.


Order processing takes up to 48 hours.  Expedited shipping is delivered 2 - 4 business days after order acceptance. Order must be placed by Noon ET.

Next Day

Order processing takes up to 48 hours. Next Day shipping is delivered 1-4 business days after order acceptance. Some areas are subject to 2 business days in transit, delivery by end of second day. Order must be placed by Noon ET.

MyJoys Shipping

Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. We are evaluating our global supply chain to understand how current events will impact shipping and delivery. Your loyalty to FootJoy is valuable to us, and we will do everything possible to deliver your customized shoes efficiently.

Notes: Business days are Monday – Friday. Holidays are excluded. A signature may be required for delivery.

Free Shipping Terms

Free Standard Ground Shipping is applied to all qualifying orders that exceed $150 before tax. MyJoys golf shoes do not count towards your order total.